Information about these data can be found at: Files structure: current/ Files to download for the current Bgee release bgee_vXX/ Files to download for a previous Bgee release Content of bgee_v14_0 release download folder: download/calls/ calls of expression integrating all data in Bgee, as described at download/calls/expr_calls/ baseline presence/absence of expression calls; these files can be "simple" if information is summarized over all data types, or "advanced" if each data type is presented in a separate column. download/processed_expr_values processed data from Affymetrix arrays and RNA-seq, per experiment, as annotated and processed uniformly by Bgee download/processed_expr_values/affymetrix/ per species, a zip file per experiment, plus a file * with annotations of all experiments and chips download/processed_expr_values/rna_seq/ per species, a zip file per experiment, plus a file * with annotations of all experiments and libraries