The Bgee Team

This page provides information about the present and past Bgee team

Current Bgee Team members

The current Bgee team

The Bgee team as of December 2023 photo (from left to right):

  • Bastian, Frederic (Associate Director: grant writer, MySQL and Java developer, Bgee howto) [ORCID]

  • Brandulas Cammarata, Alessandro (Graduate student: explore what means a gene is expressed) [ORCID]

  • Dind, Sagane (Bioinformatician: pre-filter data before curation, molecular protocol master) [ORCID]

  • Niknejad, Anne (Lead biocurator: provide reference healthy wild-type expression data: the Bgee core) [ORCID]

  • Carsanaro, Sara (Biocurator: sc-FAIR guru, how to make scRNA-Seq metadata useful and usable) [ORCID]

  • Moretti, Sebastien (Software Developer: pipeline and container developer, system administrator) [ORCID]

  • Nyamari, Marion (Graduate student: Exploring the dynamics of gene expression variation and alternative splicing) [ORCID]

  • Wollbrett, Julien (Software Developer: Bgee R packages maintainer, pipeline and Java developer) [ORCID]

  • Robinson-Rechavi, Marc (Associate Director: roadmap, idea agitator and provider, Bgee initiator) [ORCID]

  • Detering, Harry (Making sense of data through visualisation, machine learning and workflow automation) [ORCID] (not on the picture)

Former Bgee Team members

Alphabetically ordered list of former Bgee team members: