This page provides information about the present and past Bgee team
The Bgee team as of December 2023 photo (from left to right):
Bastian, Frederic (Associate Director: grant writer, MySQL and Java developer, Bgee howto) [ORCID]
Brandulas Cammarata, Alessandro (Graduate student: explore what means a gene is expressed) [ORCID]
Dind, Sagane (Bioinformatician: pre-filter data before curation, molecular protocol master) [ORCID]
Niknejad, Anne (Lead biocurator: provide reference healthy wild-type expression data: the Bgee core) [ORCID]
Carsanaro, Sara (Biocurator: sc-FAIR guru, how to make scRNA-Seq metadata useful and usable) [ORCID]
Moretti, Sebastien (Software Developer: pipeline and container developer, system administrator) [ORCID]
Nyamari, Marion (Graduate student: Exploring the dynamics of gene expression variation and alternative splicing) [ORCID]
Wollbrett, Julien (Software Developer: Bgee R packages maintainer, pipeline and Java developer) [ORCID]
Robinson-Rechavi, Marc (Associate Director: roadmap, idea agitator and provider, Bgee initiator) [ORCID]
Detering, Harry (Making sense of data through visualisation, machine learning and workflow automation) [ORCID] (not on the picture)
Alphabetically ordered list of former Bgee team members:
Comte, Aurelie
Echchiki, Amina [ORCID]
Escoriza, Angelique
Fonseca Costa, Sara [ORCID]
Gharib, Walid [ORCID]
Gonzales-Porta, Mar [ORCID]
Huang, Wan-Ting [ORCID]
Jarosz, Yohan [ORCID]
Laurenczy, Balazs [ORCID]
Moret, Philippe [ORCID]
Parmentier, Gilles
Person, Emilie
Rech De Laval, Valentine [ORCID]
Roelli, Patrick [ORCID]
Rosikiewicz, Marta [ORCID]
Roux, Julien [ORCID]
Sanjeev, Komal
Seppey, Mathieu [ORCID]
Schneider, Theo
Tzivanopoulou, Marianna [ORCID]