Droplet-based single-cell RNA-sequencing of mouse and naked mole-rat spleen and circulating immune cells, in natural conditions, following lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge, and saline control

Experiment ID:SRP201320
Description:Single-cell RNA-sequencing was performed in the mouse and naked mole-rat immune systems in order to map and compare their immune cell repertoirs and their cell-specific gene-expression responses to LPS challenge Overall design: Single-cell RNA-sequencing was obtained from: 1. 4 adult mouse and 4 adult naked mole-rat spleens in duplicate; 2. 4 adult mouse and 3 adult naked mole-rat circulating immune cells; 3. 2 adult mouse and 2 adult naked mole-rat spleens following LPS challenege in duplicate; 4. 2 adult mouse and 2 adult naked mole-rat spleens following saline administration in duplicate; 5. 2 adult mouse and 2 adult naked mole-rat circulating immune cells following LPS challenege in duplicate; 4. 2 adult mouse and 2 adult naked mole-rat circulating immune cells following saline administration in duplicate;
Source:SRP201320 SRA

List of assays



Library ID
Identifier of the RNA-Seq library
Cell type ID
ID of the cell type of the sample
Cell type name
Name of the cell type of the sample
Cell type author annotation
Free text annotation of cell type as provided by authors
Anat. entity ID
ID of the anatomical localization of the sample
Anat. entity name
Name of the anatomical localization of the sample
Anat. entity author annotation
Free text annotation of anatomical localization of the sample as provided by authors
Stage ID
ID of the developmental and life stage of the sample
Stage name
Name of the developmental and life stage of the sample
Stage author annotation
Free text annotation of the developmental and life stage of the sample as provided by authors
Annotation of the sex of the sample
Annotation of the strain of the sample
Free text annotation of the time of sampling as provided by authors
Time unit
Unit for the time of sampling as provided by authors
Physiological status
Physiological status of the organism at time of sampling
Sequencing platform
Sequenced transcript part
Possible values are: full length, all parts of the transcript are sequenced; 3': only the 3' end of the transcript is sequenced; 5': only the 5' end of the transcript is sequenced.
Possible values are: cell, transcripts are extracted from the cell; nuclei, transcripts are extracted from the nucleus.
Size of the RNA fragmentation
Run sequencing type
Paired-end or single-read run
Total read count
Total number of reads for the library.
Mapped read count
Number of reads that could be mapped to the transcriptome.
Total UMI count
Total number of individual RNA molecules (UMI) for the annotated sample. Only applicable for libraries producing UMIs.
Mapped UMI count
Number of UMIs that could be mapped to the transcriptome. Only applicable for libraries producing UMIs.
Distinct rank count
When performing a fractional ranking of the genes in the annotated sample, based on their expression level, number of distinct ranks observed, to have a value of the power for distinguishing expression levels. Used as a weight to compute a weighted mean rank accross samples for each gene and compute expression scores in Bgee.
Max rank
When performing a fractional ranking of the genes in the annotated sample, based on their expression level, maximum rank attained in the sample. Used to normalize ranks accross samples and compute expression scores in Bgee.
Link to processed expression values
See the processed expression value results for this assay
SRX6060847NAUBERON:0002106 spleenwhole spleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldmaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNAIlluminaIllumina HiSeq 4000FULL_LENGTHCELL150paired1348801610348068001673419757Browse results
SRX6060848NAUBERON:0002106 spleenwhole spleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldmaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNAIlluminaIllumina HiSeq 4000FULL_LENGTHCELL150paired1693854413097183001671419768.5Browse results
SRX6060851NAUBERON:0002106 spleenwhole spleenMmusDv:0000062 2-month-old stage (mouse)8-10 weeks oldmaleC57BL/6NANAMus musculusNAIlluminaIllumina HiSeq 4000FULL_LENGTHCELL150paired107159869213337002124430484.5Browse results
SRX6060852NAUBERON:0002106 spleenwhole spleenMmusDv:0000062 2-month-old stage (mouse)8-10 weeks oldfemaleC57BL/6NANAMus musculusNAIlluminaIllumina HiSeq 4000FULL_LENGTHCELL150paired1330467511544338002161830769.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000236 B cellB-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299072424784516026.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000548 animal cellMultipletUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired1292896739035529902161914812590.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000898 naive T cellNaive-T-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired1292896739035529901778661111416496.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000775 neutrophilLtf-high-neutrophilUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299059961858214738Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000786 plasma cellPlasma-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299016859737014288Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000874 splenic red pulp macrophageRed-pulp-macrophageUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299016091631314219.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000451 dendritic cellTimeless-high-dendritic-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299013144541314543.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000625 CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cellCD8-T-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299026656452215077Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000764 erythroid lineage cellErythroid-cell.1UBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired12928967390355299057517228513157.5Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000871 splenic macrophageMacrophage.1UBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired129289673903552990102644099216160Browse results
SRX6060792CL:0000097 mast cellMast-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired1292896739035529903858518113160Browse results
SRX6060793CL:0000236 B cellB-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired153657907108352875070728278615845Browse results
SRX6060793CL:0000548 animal cellMultipletUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired15365790710835287501901214212476.5Browse results
SRX6060793CL:0000898 naive T cellNaive-T-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired15365790710835287502077304118916588Browse results
SRX6060793CL:0000775 neutrophilLtf-high-neutrophilUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired153657907108352875075975565314911.5Browse results
SRX6060793CL:0000786 plasma cellPlasma-cellUBERON:0002106 spleenspleenUBERON:0000113 post-juvenile23-25 months oldfemaleNANANAHeterocephalus glaberNA10X Genomics V2Illumina HiSeq 4000THREE_PRIMECELL0paired153657907108352875025651737614424.5Browse results