Transcriptome of Japanese medaka adult tissues

Experiment ID:DRP008259
Description:In order to investigate the regulatory properties that contribute to the stability and evolutionary conservation of gene expression, we focused on pleiotropic expression. To determine the number of tissues in which each gene was expressed, we collected transcriptome data for tissues of adult medaka fish (O. latipes). We selected a total of 25 different tissues to cover as much of the body as possible. A total of four replicates were obtained for each tissue, two from males and two from females. Each data was derived from one individual, not pooled. We found a moderate tendency that genes expressed in many tissues are less likely to fluctuate in expression levels among individuals and more likely to be evolutionarily conserved in expression levels.
Source:DRP008259 DDBJ

List of assays



Library ID
Identifier of the RNA-Seq library
Anat. entity ID
ID of the anatomical localization of the sample
Anat. entity name
Name of the anatomical localization of the sample
Anat. entity author annotation
Free text annotation of anatomical localization of the sample as provided by authors
Stage ID
ID of the developmental and life stage of the sample
Stage name
Name of the developmental and life stage of the sample
Stage author annotation
Free text annotation of the developmental and life stage of the sample as provided by authors
Annotation of the sex of the sample
Annotation of the strain of the sample
Free text annotation of the time of sampling as provided by authors
Time unit
Unit for the time of sampling as provided by authors
Physiological status
Physiological status of the organism at time of sampling
Sequencing platform
Sequenced transcript part
Possible values are: full length, all parts of the transcript are sequenced; 3': only the 3' end of the transcript is sequenced; 5': only the 5' end of the transcript is sequenced.
Size of the RNA fragmentation
Run sequencing type
Paired-end or single-read run
Total read count
Total number of reads for the library.
Mapped read count
Number of reads that could be mapped to the transcriptome.
Total UMI count
Total number of individual RNA molecules (UMI) for the annotated sample. Only applicable for libraries producing UMIs.
Mapped UMI count
Number of UMIs that could be mapped to the transcriptome. Only applicable for libraries producing UMIs.
Distinct rank count
When performing a fractional ranking of the genes in the annotated sample, based on their expression level, number of distinct ranks observed, to have a value of the power for distinguishing expression levels. Used as a weight to compute a weighted mean rank accross samples for each gene and compute expression scores in Bgee.
Max rank
When performing a fractional ranking of the genes in the annotated sample, based on their expression level, maximum rank attained in the sample. Used to normalize ranks accross samples and compute expression scores in Bgee.
Link to processed expression values
See the processed expression value results for this assay
DRX298678UBERON:0006860 swim bladderairbladUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired1276171910198306001938721632.5Browse results
DRX298679UBERON:0006860 swim bladderairbladUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired3927581130689953002114222575.5Browse results
DRX298680UBERON:0006860 swim bladderairbladUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired1370176011079626001960221746Browse results
DRX298681UBERON:0006860 swim bladderairbladUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired2079372916243788002045022196Browse results
DRX298682UBERON:4000163 anal finanalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired111189829014335001923721575.5Browse results
DRX298683UBERON:4000163 anal finanalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired1564825412874488001923621569Browse results
DRX298684UBERON:4000163 anal finanalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired122795939773302001936521620Browse results
DRX298685UBERON:4000163 anal finanalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired1345804310491491001989221919Browse results
DRX298686UBERON:0002481 bone tissueboneUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired70802845678407001963221754Browse results
DRX298687UBERON:0002481 bone tissueboneUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired93762657765612001983121872.5Browse results
DRX298688UBERON:0002481 bone tissueboneUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired92900486983726001992521930.5Browse results
DRX298689UBERON:0002481 bone tissueboneUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired95214517629590002032922127Browse results
DRX298690UBERON:4000164 caudal fincaudalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired113849419249268001947821684.5Browse results
DRX298691UBERON:4000164 caudal fincaudalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired97270637834068001943321671.5Browse results
DRX298692UBERON:4000164 caudal fincaudalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired1299989510300167001976321838Browse results
DRX298693UBERON:4000164 caudal fincaudalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired116018919260421001959321745Browse results
DRX298694UBERON:0003097 dorsal findorsalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired104426638368107001922421560Browse results
DRX298695UBERON:0003097 dorsal findorsalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultfemaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired82349676568819001876121320.5Browse results
DRX298696UBERON:0003097 dorsal findorsalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired2024903015760094001988521905.5Browse results
DRX298697UBERON:0003097 dorsal findorsalfinUBERON:0000113 post-juvenileadultmaleDRRNANAOryzias latipesNAIlluminaNextSeq 550FULL_LENGTH152paired124092299750575001957621739.5Browse results